Friday, September 28, 2007

OR Oregon Historical Quarterly

Oregon Historical Quarterly
Fall 2007, (vol. 108, no. 3)
Jensen, Kimberly. Neither head nor tail to the campaign: Esther Pohl Lovejoy and the Oregon Woman suffrage victory of 1912. pp. 350-383.
Helquist, Michael. Portland to the rescue: the Rose City's response to the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire. pp. 384-409.
Pierce, Jason. The winds of change: the decline of extractive industries and the rise of tourism in Hood River County, Oregon. pp. 410-431.
Dorband, Roger. Photo Essay: Salmon and the restoration of the Rogue (River). pp. 432-443.
Mulcahy, Joanne B. Know who you are. Regional identity in the teachings of Eva Castellanoz. pp. 444-457.
Sevetson, Donald J. George Atkinson Harvey Scott, and the Portland High School controversy of 1880. pp. 458-473.
Hodges, Adam J. At war over the Espionage Act in Portland. Dueling perspectives from Kathleen O'Brennan and Agent William Bryon. pp. 474-486.
Tint, Mikki. Oregonscape (Bobbie, the collie dog - that found its way from Indiana back to his home in Silverton, OR in 1924 - after being lost while on a family trip in 1923). pp. 512.

Reviews - pp. 488-508.
Karson, Jennifer. Wiyaxayxt, Wiyaakaaawn: As days go by. Our history, our land, and our people, the Cayuse, Umatilla and Walla Walla. Pendleton, OR: Tamastslikt Cultural Institute, 2006.
The Si'lailo way, Indians, salmon and the law on the Columbia River. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2006.
Seaburg, William. Pitch woman and other stories, oral traditions of Coquelle Thompson, Upper Coquelle Athabaskan Indian. Lincoln, NE: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 2007.
Venn, George. Soldier to advocate, C.E.S. Wood's 1877 legacy. LeGrande, OR: Wordcraft of Oregon, 2006.
Stein, Harry H. Gus J. Solomon, liberal politics, Jews and the Federal Courts. Portland, OR: Oregon Historical Sociey Press, 2006.
Ahmad, Diana. The opium debate and Chinese exclusion laws in nineteenth century American West. Reno, NV: Univ. of Nevada Press, 2007.
Trombold, John and Peter Donahue. Reading Portland, the city in prose. Portland, OR: Oregon Historical Society Press, 2006.
Harkin, Michael E. and David Rich Lewis. Native Americans and the environment, perspectives on the ecological Indian. Lincoln, NE: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 2007.
Miller, Robert J. Native America, discovered and conquered, Thomas Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and Manifest Destiny. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2006.
McKevitt, Gerald. Brokers of Culture, Italian Jesuits in the American West, 1848-1919. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford Univ. Press, 2006.
Dompier, Douglas W. The fight of the Salmon people, blending tribal tradition with modern science to save sacred fish. Philadelphia, PA Xlibris Corporation, 2005.
Werlin, Joella. Saving Oregon's golden goose, political drama on the O&C lands. Portland, OR: Inkwater Press, 2006.
Kinsey, Joni L. Thomas Moran's West, chromolithography, high art and popular taste. Lawrence, KS: Univ. Press of Kansas, 2006.
Published by the Oregon Historical Society